Aqua Sports and Hydro Activities 101: What Every Beginning Should Know about Wake Boarding


“Water: The fountain of youth, better skin, less cravings, more energy, better digestion, less headaches, a higher metabolism, better mood, and an ability to concentrate more. That is just from drinking it. Getting out and playing in a big whole body of it is a whole other ballgame”-Author Unknown

So, you are desirous of an activity that would both strengthen your core and upper muscles while getting wet in doing so. With that considered, you have decided to take up wake boarding.

After all, not only does it exercise your muscles, but it would make you look cool while doing it as well. Unfortunately, learning how to wake board is not quite as easy and straightforward as some novices would wish it to be. It takes a lot of balance, stamina and a degree of patience as well. Much like any other sport there is, learning it will be difficult and undoubtedly, it would take a lot of time and perseverance on your part. However, if you are persistent and sure in this endeavor, then soldier on. However, do take note that you might not get it right on your first try and it takes a lot of training before you can fully master the sport.

In any case, if you have been planning to learn how to wake board whether in republic wake park or elsewhere, here are some of the things you need to know:

1.) You will fall…a lot!

Maintaining balance on a wake board is already hard by itself—especially when it starts to move around the water. Every wake boarder is already well aware of how often you would fall down and even on your face sometimes. More often than not, you will not be able to pinpoint why exactly you fell. It may be that one moment you are doing fine and even waving to your friends, and in the next second, you are face-planting and drinking in lake water. The best and seasoned wake boarders are even known to experience this every once in a while. Unfortunately, you probably will not understand what went wrong. It might be your execution was wrong, or the way you placed your foot was off. However, you can rely on your instructor to assist you in refining your technique. Heed their advice the next time you take on the wake board.

2.) It will be tough on your arms

One of the reasons why wake boarding builds arm strength is because the sport itself is incredibly taxing on your arms alone. For the first few minutes, you might not be so bothered by it; you can still pull the rope. But after a few minutes or so, your arms will start to throb, and a dull ache would develop. Ten minutes in and your arms would feel like they are about to fall off. Brace through the pain though, as this is normal and eventually, you will get used to it. As a result, your arm strength would be a lot stronger as well.

3.) It will be easier when you are goofy footed

If you have already tried other sports such as skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing then you would have previously assessed whether you are regular or goofy footed. However, if you are unsure, then one way to determine whether you are is to think about which foot you would naturally kick a ball with. This foot will be your resultant back foot. Once you are in the water, you would be able to tell which foot will be your dominant foot for wake boarding. Whichever feels more natural to you will inevitably be the foot that will point forward.

4.) Water hurts

Most beginners have developed this false sense of security thinking that wake boarding would in no way be harmful. However, much like the case of extreme sports, wake boarding can be potentially painful—especially when you slam yourself in water. On the outset, water might look like a soft landing but once you start skipping along the surface, take a tumble or even catch an edge, you will realize that it is not as smooth as you had initially thought it would be—especially when you are running on high or full speed.

5.) Use a shorter rope when you first start

Shorter ropes make it easier for wake board beginners to stand up and balance themselves on the board. Shorter ropes would mean that the beginner would be in the narrower portion of the wake. Moreover, it is much easier to take instructions yelled by the instructor seeing as you would be in proximity to the boat. As you progress, you can increase the length of the rope used. Longer ropes are for seasoned and advanced riders who wish to gather more speed and air in executing some aerial techniques and tricks. However, as you are still starting out, start with a rope length that is somewhere between 30 and 50 feet.


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Health and Fitness: The Four Great Benefits of Outdoor Activities


“I would rather be amongst forest animals and the sounds of nature, than amongst city traffic and the noise of man.”-Anthony Douglas Williams


Living all your life cloistered in the concrete jungle that is known to us as the urbanized city can feel a little inhibiting and at times, stifling even.

If we truly wished for a lifestyle that afforded us optimal health, we ought to spice it up by incorporating a few activities every now and then. However, these activities should not be executed amidst the perpetual hustle and bustle of the city, but someplace where you can be in tune with yourself and your soul. However, you might find that spending time outdoors might be quite difficult to fit in your schedule—especially if you have a strict work routine to follow every single day. Not to worry, however, as even metropolitan cities such as Metro Manila and its adjacent cities have access to outdoor activities if its residents would be willing enough to put up with a slightly longer drive than usual. Nuvali, a recreational outdoor facility is located in Laguna which is just an hour or two away from Manila. So, if you have been looking to spice up your weekends, head on over to Nuvali and enjoy a slew of outdoor activities in Laguna. Give your family and yourself the opportunity to enjoy your natural surroundings. Breathe in the fresh air that is so refreshingly different from the rather polluted and dank air of the metropolis.

Furthermore, discover more to nature’s many wonders and take part in the diverse activities that would surely prompt you to go back outside for more.There is a seemingly endless pit of benefits when it comes to outdoor activities—whether that may be physical, mental or for your overall health. In any case, here are just some of the advantages of recreational outdoor activities:


Avenue for socialization

Unless you are a seasoned hiker or cyclist, there is a likely chance that you would be engaging in outdoor activities with family or friends. In this regard, you can easily see it as an avenue for socialization and for social interaction. Furthermore, if you participated in these kinds of activities, there is a likely opportunity that you would meet others who are engaged in the same activity as you are. You would then be able to meet and build your relationship with them—especially if you intend to play in a team. In this way, you would be able to foster new friendships and cultivate your existing ones with people who share the same penchant as you do for outdoor recreation.

Sharpens Your Mind

Outdoor activities do not just exercise your body but sharpens your mind as well by giving you a better night’s rest. In fact, studies have shown that people who regularly get their fitness and exercise fix outdoors would experience better sleep quality in such a way that they snooze for far longer and deeper. Resultantly, better sleep allows you more focus and energy the following day. In this regard, you would be able to concentrate on your work tasks better and would function with higher levels of cognition. When you are rejuvenated for the day, you would soon begin experiencing reduced stress, anxiety and a lesser propensity for developing depression.

Makes Your Feel Good

Any sort of physical activity would already make you feel pumped and energized. Indeed, it has been shown that physical activities would help you prevent some cases of depression and would reduce stress. However, exercising outdoors or doing any sort of physical activity while being in tune with nature allows you to relax your mind as well. Furthermore, breathing fresh air in a natural and tranquil environment is something you do not get all too often and which would definitely do the body a lot of good. If you wish to double-up your efforts in reducing stress and anxiety and endeavor for a more relaxing way to exercise, bring your fitness gears outdoors.

Better Body

Of course, as with any physical activity, outdoor recreation would provide a multitude of physical benefits. As the activities are rather diverse, they can be executed alone, with friends, family members, in solitude or even with a recreational sports team—depending on what you like. Sports such as cycling, swimming, hiking, and canoeing are all avenues for enjoying the great outdoors while also giving you that much-needed exercise. Furthermore, these enjoyable activities would keep you motivated to keep going as well which means you are likely to focus on your goal.

Healing Potential

While there is a lot to be said about outdoor activities, the main takeaway is that it has healing potential. Apart from that, there is just something inherently therapeutic and curative in being outdoors. Perhaps it is the fresh air or the exposure to natural light and elements, but people who are exposed to more sunlight generally tend to live longer. After all, there is some truth to the fact that nature has a healing effect on everyone.

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Cycling 101: Four Things to Remember When Out in the Biking Trails


“The bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created. Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon.”-Bill Strickland

Extreme riding on bike trails has always been associated with a rush of adrenaline and euphoria—so much so that it can be rather addicting.

Indeed, extreme bicycle riding has been well-regarded as an excellent avenue in releasing stress and anxiety—a rather efficacious method in taking your mind off problems. Unlike leisure cycling, extreme biking on bike trails would almost always mean that your focus is centered on pedaling. As a result, your concentration is solely on pedaling or pedaling faster to reach your destination or endpoint earlier. Unfortunately, the faster you ride, your propensity for disregard is amplified. Resultantly, you would begin overlooking and even neglecting imperative things such as safety and biking etiquette–an oversight that can put you in a precarious situation. When you are too wrapped up in the speed and adrenaline rush, you tend to push your limits, and in your effort to push past your usual pace, you are leaving yourself open to possibly harmful situations and scenarios.

Sure, shredding past the trails and overcoming the most difficult of them might afford you an elation unlike any other and a sense of accomplishment in your endeavor. But safety is paramount and no matter how seasoned of a rider you are (or how well versed you are in extreme sports), looking out after yourself should be a crucial aspect to consider. Take better care of yourself when you are out on the trails so that you and the rest of your biking squad can enjoy a biking excursion without incident.
To take your safety into account (as well as learn basic biking courtesy), here are some of the things to consider the next time you are considering a biking trip:

1.) Check your bike regularly

Ensuring that your bike is safe for long bike excursions is paramount. With this in mind, it is important to maintain your bike regularly and that it is fine-tuned for extreme riding. In this regard, check your bike for tire pressure, suspension, torque settings before any major ride. An excellent way to ensure that this is done is to wash it before and after a ride. Turn this into a habit in every single one of your bike trips. By sprucing it up and ensuring proper maintenance, you are effectively extending your bike’s projected life span and making it less susceptible to wear.

2.) Wear appropriate protection and clothing

Although fashion and style might be the least of your worries when you are going out for a bike ride, you should don yourself in an appropriate biking ensemble. Select sartorial items that are fit for purpose and are comfortable as well. Choose clothes that are durable—one that can withstand protracted and heavy usage. Lastly, it is essential to wear a helmet to protect your head. It might not exactly make for the best headdress, but it does ensure your head is safe from unfortunate crashes.

3.) Pack accordingly

The way you pack should be according to the type of riding you are thinking of doing. There is a myriad of bike rides from a quick jaunt to a nearby city or a cross-country adventure or even a trail-blazing day on difficult terrain. Your biking essentials (which should be packed inside your bag) would depend on what kind of ride you would be having. In any case, you should always have enough water to keep you hydrated for the entire duration of the ride. Furthermore, you should apply sunblock before your ride and have it with you at all times whether the sun may be out or not. Lastly, never forget to pack a good multi-tool with you. This should include a spare inner tube and a pump—both of which are useful for any unexpected mechanical work you might be doing down the trail. After all, it is only basic that you should have these with you when you are biking alone and unable to ask anyone for help.

4.) Stretching

Mountain biking is vastly different from leisure biking you normally do at the park. The latter you usually do in a carefree manner and at a relaxed pace while the former requires more stamina and endurance. This means it is recommended to have a strong core so as to power your legs better for pedaling, maintaining a strong frame onboard and moving around the bike. Your core is your stomach, lower back, hips, and butt. These are all crucial body parts that would need to be worked on if you wish to maintain or increase your stamina while you are riding. With this in mind, remember to stretch before and ever ride. Not only would this prime yourself for a strenuous activity, but it would also mitigate the possibility of muscle strain and fatigue.

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Dirt Weekend 2018: What Beginners Need to Know About Cycling


“The feeling when you ride is like no other feeling. You feel free from the world, you feel unstoppable, riding is a passion, it is a joy, it is a stress reliever, and it is a way of life.”-Author Unknown

Riding a dirt bike is an adrenaline rush unlike any other.

The high, the exhilaration, the cheer from the crowds—all three of these would make for a highly charged atmosphere that would draw in spectators by the droves. If you ever had a passion for getting on a dirt bike and pushing it to its limits, you might want to join your first dirt bike weekend. This year, as Nuvali marks its tenth anniversary with its dirt weekend 2018, prepare to showcase your skills to an expectant crowd.

However, unlike dirty bike racing, Nuvali focuses more on straightforward cycling wherein participants are encouraged to just ride and drive their bikes without the pressures of competition. In a sense, it is akin to leisure biking and celebrates not only the simple joys of cycling but the community it builds as well. However, if this is your first time on a bike, it might be best if you brushed up on some effective tips straight from the pros themselves. If you are looking to refine your cycling technique or simply want to execute your cycling ride better, here are some of the most failsafe pro-tips the experts have to offer:

1.) Get Lost

Do not persistently bike on the same familiar paths over and over again. Ride somewhere you have never been to before, or some place you might think you know you are going but are not completely sure. The key here is to get lost and explore. Look for unpaved paths and discover new places. Remember that feeling of curiosity back when you were a child and rode your first bicycle? Recall that moment when you first got to drive a car. All those rush of emotions and the excitement would be pretty much the same in exploring new places, and it is not too late to rekindle that simply by riding on uncharted paths.

2.) Fix a Flat

No doubt, if you have ridden your bike for a significant distance, then you might encounter a flat tire. In this regard, it might be best if you learned how to fix it—even when it is on the side of the road, mid-ride and with cars zipping by (just ensure that you are stationed somewhere safe). It is inevitably going to happen and riding it for another block or so would aggravate the problem. You might as well take care of it and get it out of the way.

3.) Visit every local bike shop

If you have developed a serious passion for biking, try checking out your local bike shops and make sure you visit each and every one of them. More importantly, check which of them has the best to worst customer service and make a note out of that. You are likely to develop a friendship with these people should you ever wish to pursue your passion in cycling further. Know that these people would have the necessary expertise when it comes to bikes so trust them. Sure, ordering things off online might work but those things would take time, and these guys would be there for your biking needs just in a jiffy.

4.) Make friends

Broaden your knowledge by making friends. Ask and talk about riding. Look for as much online material as you can and read up on articles as regards riding. There is a community for cyclists and biking enthusiasts, ingratiate yourself and learn as much as you can. Not only will these people provide you with excellent information as regards riding, but they can potentially be your riding companions as well.

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Five (5) Basic Training Tips For Aspiring Athletes

Sports keep a person fit and active. It shapes an individual physically, mentally and socially. It helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How To Train Like An Athlete

Here are five (5) basic tips on how to train well and good like seasoned athletes.

1.       Define your goals and make sure that it matches your interest and lifestyle. Ever heard of the phrase “I train because I want to defeat myself. Defeat the me who couldn’t do it yesterday so I can be better today”? The first step towards becoming a great athlete is digging deep and understanding the key elements that motivate you. What do you want to attain in the future? What’s your reason for wanting to be in that place? What actions do you need to undertake to reach that objective? Suppose you aim to be the first duathlon athlete in your hometown. Perhaps primarily to bring pride to your fellowmen and maybe later on, to represent the country in the international community. Watch past duathlon events in the Philippines and see the skills required to become one. Observe the stamina, perseverance and strength it took to complete the competition. How committed are you to your goal? Duathlon requires exercises that will compel you to run and cycle. Can you accommodate such training regimen given your current schedule and priorities in life?

2.       Keep your workout simple, varied and within your pace.

  • Simple. Start with a simple and attainable workout. Do not complicate things especially if you’re a starter in this type of training. Balance them between hard and easy, long and short.
  • Varied. It’s basically developing a routine that you will continuously follow day after day after day. In that sense, you will need variations to enjoy the whole experience. If you regularly perform outdoor activities like jogging and cycling in the morning all by yourself, find a buddy who can accompany you to make it more interesting and less boring.
  • Within pace. Listen to what your body dictates. Work only on routines you are capable of. You’ll realize you’re past within your limits if you can hardly get up and feel tired all the time.

 3.       It’s all in the mindset.

  • Patience. The faster route isn’t always the right route. A failed attempt doesn’t mean you are to give up either. Be patient and take your time.
  • Consistency. It takes consistent action to reach success. Maintain a regular sched instead of a random one.
  • Stay motivated. Set realistic estimates on what you can accomplish in a week. This is to avoid disappointments and possible burnouts.

 4.       Stay hydrated and eat well. Water, fruits, veggies and proper nutrition are your best friends. They are your fuel so you can run your engine well.

5.       Invest in the right gear and equipment. You wouldn’t want to encourage injuries just because you opted not to use proper safety pieces, would you?