The Five Unspoken Rules of Bringing Food Into Theaters


“Waiting until the movie starts to eat your popcorn is the hardest thing in the world.” –Author Unknown

Popcorn has always been regarded as a staple snack in watching movies insomuch that seeing movies without this to complement your cinematic experience is just a little off.

In this regard, we can all readily see the pivotal importance of movie snacks when it comes to elevating one’s overall movie experience. Unfortunately, while movie snacks are considered a staple, they can also diminish another movie patron’s experience depending on the kind of snack one has brought in. As a moviegoer, it is your duty to ensure that everyone would equally enjoy the movie and with this in mind, you ought to be a little considerate about the other patrons in attendance—even if it means not bringing certain snacks inside. Before you check the Solenad Movie Schedule, or wherever you might wish to watch your movie, be sure to keep these movie snack commandments in mind to guarantee that everyone would have an equally comfortable and enjoyable experience:

Never bring dinner to the cinema

Sometimes, the only movie schedule available would fall during dinnertime. Either all other slots and schedules are fully booked or you otherwise have no other available time which constrains you to book this time slot. We have all experienced this in one of our movie viewing excursions and some of us may have made the faux pas of thinking we can bring dinner into the theater. Unfortunately, this does not sit too well with other moviegoers—especially if you bring in meals that would emit strong odors. More often than not, movie patrons go into cinemas expecting certain smells that fall within the usual range such as buttered popcorn or freshly made fries. Anything that falls outside this strict and rather limited boundary would find themselves being the subject of annoyance among other moviegoers. You might event court the tacit disapproval of the movie patron sitting just right next to you—especially since you are already eating contraband snacks that are disallowed by most cinemas. Sure, you might be enjoying your Shawarma rice with so much gusto, but trust us when we say it is going to inevitably ruffle some feathers and make you the subject of scorn among many other movie patrons.

Avoid bringing smelly foods

Screaming babies and unruly kids are one thing, but eating something that gives other movie patrons headaches is an entirely different kind of annoyance—one that would warrant you a death glare from other moviegoers. Eating something that has a strong smell might be considered as the height of inconsideration for your fellow moviegoers. Remember, you are sitting in an enclosed space for approximately a couple of hours and subjecting them to the smell of strong garlic for that long will surely turn some heads. In this regard, it is best to consume foods that have strong smells and flavors only after the movie to avoid having disgruntled seatmates who would bemoan the quality of your movie snack.


Go for odorless food

There are movie snacks that are just as delicious without having to emit any kind of odor. Among them are granola bars, candy, sodas, trail mix and the like. Sure, they might be a little noisy to consume but at the very least, they do not smell at all and would not cause anyone in proximity to you any unnecessary headaches.

Eat quietly

Although there is no reasonable and practical way to eat your popcorn quietly, try to make as little noise as possible. At the very least, try to be quieter than the sounds coming from the movie surround-sound speakers. If you think that eating it would be just a little louder than the movie volume, you might want to wait until the movie is over before you consume it.

Clean up after yourself

This should go without saying but you should learn how to clean up after yourself and throw your trash in the designated trash areas. Sure, you might think that someone is tasked with cleaning up after you but as a self-respecting movie patron, it is best if you left your designated spot as spotless and clean as it were when you occupied it. Think of it as a courtesy for the next batch of moviegoers and also because you are a well-raised individual who does not need anybody else cleaning up after their own mess.

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